07 Jan Press Conference on MNP Spring Asian Antique Consignment 媒体发布会:MNP春季亚洲文物拍卖征集
By Vincent Sean
An official Press Conference was called by MNP with support from Sin Chew Media as our official media on 4 January 2019 to call for Malaysians to turn up to our inaugural exciting consignment event on 19 and 20 January. The said press conference was well attended by our CEO Stephen Soon, Tan Kim Chuan, General Manager of Sin Chew’s Corporate Communication and Promotion, Stacey Fong, its departmental Manager, Hau Mun Soon and Dato’ Frankie Lim, Chairman and Committee of Wang Hou Antique & Heritage Association and Winson Loh, the renown framing art master.
The 2-Day event will be held at Sin Chew Media’s Petaling Jaya event hall. MNP is privileged to have invited the renown China Jingdezhen’s porcelain and ceramic art master, Profession Cui, Ke Hui, Senior Art Authentication Master, Hu, Tong Qing and Wang Hou Antique & Heritage Association’s Honorary Chairman, Taiwan’s Tai, Ku Lin to guard on our consignment process. The event is unprecedented to have such reputable masters from China coming over here to authenticate your valuable Chinese antique, if your antique is highly sought after, we will then consign for our end March international auction.
Good news for Malaysians! Our supporting unit, Wang Hou Antique & Heritage Association will be displaying rare and exquisite antique and collectible that you do not normally see them, but are truly historical, some of those were listed in the international auction houses like Christie’s and Sotheby.
The 2-day program schedule is as follow:
19 January (Saturday) & 20 January (Sunday)
11am to 6pm : Rare Chinese Antique Exhibition
11.30am to 1pm : Authentication Talk and Sharing
2pm to 5pm : Antique Consignment (we accept porcelain and jade only)
Bring over your precise Chinese antique and let us unleash its value through our international auction platform. It is also a priceless opportunity to learn some basic antique authentication knowledge and witness world class antique with your own eyes.
MNP中央拍卖行有限公司将于2019年1月19和20号(星期六和日)一连两天主办亚洲文物征集,以筹备2019年3月尾的首届春季亚洲文物拍卖会。此征集活动的指定媒体伙伴为星洲日报,活动地点在八打灵再也的星洲展厅。我们于1月4号结合星洲媒体举办了一场媒体发布会,出席者有本公司总执行长孫子巄,星洲企业公关及业务促进总经理陈金泉和经理风靖雯,王侯历史文物协会会长侯文顺和理事拿督林鸿程,和本地知名艺术框架大师Winson Loh.
本公司将邀请两位荣誉顾问 – 中国当代著名的陶瓷艺术大师,景德镇四百年崔公窑传承人兼景德镇官窑瓷画院院长崔可辉教授,师承崔可辉教授的景德镇官窑瓷画院高级艺术品鉴定师胡桐庆老师和来自台湾的王侯历史文物协会荣誉会长戴谷霖老师到来现场为我们的征集把关。由他们讲解的鉴定讲座与文物收藏分享会是绝对不容错过的一大亮点!
1月19号和20号节目流程如下 :
11am – 6pm :文物展覽
11.30am – 1pm : 鉴定讲座与文物收藏分享会
2pm – 5pm:文物徵集(种类:陶瓷/玉类)
绝对好消息!此次的文物展览将由MNP的技术顾问兼协办单位 – 王侯历史文物协会全力支持(王侯以宣扬推广历史文物的相关活动和分享文物收藏知识为己任,属于非营利组织)。王侯将提供罕有古文物做展示让本国人民有机会见识如世界大拍行佳士得(Christie’s) 级别般的精致文物。这是收藏家千载难逢的机会,请万勿错过!