22 Nov First to Tenth Auction of 4th Series Malaysian Banknotes with Special Serial Numbers

The Auction of 4th Malaysian Banknotes with Special Serial Numbers is undoubtedly the most heavyweight banknotes auction in the region.
Highly anticipated by numismatic enthusiasts, this is an event where banknotes rarely seen in the market are auctioned.
The special serial number Malaysian Banknotes are separated from the normal circulation and are kept by the Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM) specially for auction purpose.
Since September 2014 until February 2020, there have been 10 auction events held with these special serial notes with only 1,475 lots of Malaysian Banknotes (excluding commemorative items) been released for auction and sold so far.
To share the rarity of the banknotes, let us take a look at the following:
The 4th Series Malaysian Banknotes consists of six (6) denominations. The printing volume of every denomination could be as huge as billions, yet it has at most only 22 sets of the Super Prefix banknotes. Collectors therefore, are indeed owning a piece of an exclusive diamond on hand for having successfully won the bid for such a masterpiece. With the ever-popular trend of electronic wallet (e Wallet) in Malaysia, the circulation of Malaysian Banknotes will only be reduced, similarly to the printing volume and the special serial numbers banknotes raising the rarity. In the upcoming Eleventh Auction of 4th Series Malaysian Banknotes with Special Serial Numbers, we will be presenting 218 lots of banknotes among which 10 lots are tip-top featured lots.
Although the categories of special serial numbers are much wider but only four types of categories in this series. Low numbers like 11 to 100 or even 888 and 999 are sought after and highly in demand, numismatic collectors will be on the lookout as only 1 to 10 are exclusively classified as low numbers set in this series of auction.
As a general information, every Prefix will be printed up to 10 million pieces of banknotes, and we have only picked 22 pieces out of all. The pieces include low numbers from 1 to 10, ladder numbers ( in ascending and descending order), 1 to 9 solid numbers and 10 million number. There is no doubt these banknotes are extremely rare. Moreover, Super Prefix like AA and BB Malaysia Banknotes, especially the featured lot that coupled with the certificate of authenticity are the rarest among all, if not the little stone among the infinite galaxy at large.
Our team of specialists have carefully inspected the condition of every piece and described the lot in detail and as diligently possible. Therefore, we invite the collectors to bid for the banknotes with ease and worry-free. Due to the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), the Auction will be conducted by way of ONLINE AUCTION.
Please note the following:
1. The bidding deposit is RM300.
2. The registered bidder can start to bid online commencing Monday, 23 November from 3pm onwards.
3. The Final Online Auction will commence on Saturday, 28 November at 10.30am, counting from Lot 1 until Lot 218.
We hope you will enjoy the honour to bid at the official Eleventh Auction of Malaysian Banknotes with Special Serial Numbers.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. We are determined to improve our customer’s experience to bid online smoothly.
从2014年9月的第一场到2020年2月的第10场,整整6年国行仅拍卖了1,475套的黄金号码钞票(不包括纪念纸币)。每一个字首(Prefix)只印有1千万张,然而国行定下的黄金号码却仅仅只有22张,即1到10号的低数号码,1至9号全相同号码,1千万号码和1至7号正反顺序号码,其超稀有程度不言而喻。正所谓物以稀为贵,超级字首(Super Prefix)如AA和BB拥有国行总裁签名认证的超级星级的钻石号码更加少之又少。第四代马来西亚钞票拥有6种面值,每个面值印刷量可能达数十亿,但超级字首最多只有22组。在电子支付越来越盛行的年代,纸币的流通量只会越来越少,更不用说黄金号码了。

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