It’s the FINAL COUNTDOWN (3 DAYS to be exact) before the 12th Auction of Fourth Series Malaysian Banknotes with Special Serial Numbers (Golden Numbers) on May 29 at 10.30am. If one may noticed, the banknotes volume is diminishing after the last auction. The golden numbers’ banknotes are indeed not significant when the complete listing was first obtained, in fact it will be left with as little as 40% balance after this coming auction!
The scarcity of RM5 and RM20 banknotes are real as these two denominations are ALL being included in this coming auction, no more in the remaining listing. Furthermore, RM20 has merely 30 pieces of banknotes in the coming auction. After the selection, RM1 has only 20% left, while 40% balance is for RM50. The Golden Numbers Banknotes authorized by the Central Bank of Malaysia are near empty for the former governors. It is absolutely reflecting the rarity therefore the significant value of the Malaysian Banknotes across the two former governors. Such historic exchange will rarely encounter in the near future.
The 12th Auction of Malaysian Banknotes have uncommonly the LAST and the FIRST Golden Numbers set of the two former governors. Let’s have a look!
RM1 Denomination has perfectly demonstrated the changeover!
Twelfth Auction of 4th Series Malaysian Banknotes with Special Serial Numbers
Timed2Live Auction
拍卖时间 Auction Details
Online Auction: 29 May 2021, 10:30am (GMT+8)
Online Bidding Starts: 24 May 2021, 6:00 pm (GMT+8)
Session Time and Sequence:
Session 1: 10:30am – RM 1, RM 5, RM 10 Banknotes
Session 2: 12:30 pm – RM 20, RM 50, RM 100 Banknotes
(Break time at 12:00 p.m. and bidding will resume at 12:30 p.m)
Initial Deposit: RM300.00
Malaysian Banknotes Reproduction Code : BNM/09/05-2021