Bidder Registration must be made at least one (1) working day before auction date and prospective bidders are advised to log in and to be standby before the auction time. By registering to bid, the bidder acknowledges his or her acceptance on the proclamation of sale and conditions of sale.
All intending bidders are required to deposit 10% of the fixed reserve price BY BANK DRAFT before commencement of Auction made in favour of STANDARD CHARTERED SAADIQ BERHAD FOR (ASSIGNOR(S) / BORROWER(S) NAME) and pay the difference between the initial deposit and the sum equivalent to 10% of the successful bid price either in cash or bank draft or casher’s order to the Assignee.
Alternatively intending bidders who are interested to bid online are required to deposit 10% of the fixed reserve price by BANK DRAFT in the name of STANDARD CHARTERED SAADIQ BERHAD FOR (ASSIGNOR(S) / BORROWER(S) NAME) via Pos Laju services (Pos Malaysia) or by hand to the Auctioneer by 5PM, at least one (1) working day before the auction date. The said intending bidders must register at and are further subjected to the Online Terms and Conditions. The balance of the purchase price is to be settled BY BANK DRAFT made payable to STANDARD CHARTERED SAADIQ BERHAD FOR (ASSIGNOR(S) / BORROWER(S) NAME) within ninety (90) days from the date of the sale.
NOTE: Prospective bidders shall download a copy of the Proclamation of Sale together with the Conditions of Sale at “View Document” section in selected product page and seek independent legal advise before registering to bid.
Auction Date & Time: 22 December 2023, 11:00 a.m.
Property Address:
No. 3-8-5, Desa Medura, Taman Desa Relau 2, Lebuh Relau 6, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang.