By Vincent Sean

Inaugural Authentication & Auction Seminar

由MNP中央拍卖行鼎力协办,王侯歷史文物協會(王侯)的首場鑑定講座于11月3号和4 号在吉隆玻空前成功举办! 反應熱烈! 也是王侯的副会长,MNP总执行长孫子巄 (Stephen Soon),现场颁发MNP荣誉技术顾问证书于王侯榮譽會長戴谷霖老師和创会 会长候文顺老师,象征MNP决心强化推动中华文物与文化这个领域。

此鉴定会出席者众多,皆因这是马来西亚首次举办的学术性且非营利鉴定讲座,而且拥 有重量级景德鎮官窯瓷畫院院長崔可輝教授和高級陶瓷藝術品鑑定師胡桐慶老師的精辟 说课,吸引了很多收藏家的鼎力支持。第二天的鉴定阶段更加人潮汹涌,场面也差点瘫 痪。在此诚心感谢王侯会长侯文顺老师的全力资助,才让此讲座得以顺利举行。

MNP首届2019春季文物拍賣徵集即將開始! 請留意我們的通告。

Jointly organized by MNP Auction Team, Wang Hou Antique & Heritage Association’s (WHA) inaugural antique authentication seminar was successfully organized on 3 and 4 November 2018 in Kuala Lumpur. The overwhelming response from the participants said it all. Stephen Soon, the CEO of MNP cum Vice Chairman of WHA presented the certificate of appointment to WHA’s Honorary Chairman, Master Tai, Ku-Lin and WHA’s Founder Chairman, Master Hau Mun Soon as our Honorary Technical Consultants. The appointment signifies MNP’s determination to promote Chinese cultural heritage and antique development in Malaysia.

This Seminar was the first-of-its-kind non-commercial while non-profit academic-oriented antique authentication seminar that has ever been organized in Malaysia. It was long waited for and overwhelmingly welcomed by mass antique collectors. What’s more? The heavy-weighted speakers, Zingdezhen Imperial Ware Porcelain Art Institute’s Principal, Professor Cui, Kehui and Senior Art Authentication Master, Master Hu, TongQing had made up the magnetic effect. The second day’s authentication session were overly crowded. We sincerely thank WHA founder chairman, Master Hau Mun Soon for his full financial support to make this seminar came true.

MNP’s Inaugural 2019 Spring Antique Auction is coming soon. Stay tune!